Shixiang Sun, Ph.D.
Research Fellow.
Email: shixiang.sun at
Education and Training
Postdoctoral Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA, 2017 - present
Ph.D. Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2017

Research interests
Dr. Sun' research in this laboratory is focused on the computational analysis of various types of genome instability from the single cell, whole genome sequence, and transcriptome sequence information in normal tissues of human in relation to aging.
Dong X, Sun S, Zhang L, Kim S, Tu Z, Montagna C, Maslov AY, Suh Y, Wang T, Campisi J, Vijg J. Age-related telomere attrition causes aberrant gene expression in sub-telomeric regions. Aging Cell. 2021 Jun;20(6):e13357. 2021
Sun S, Wang Y, Maslov AY, Dong X, Vijg J. SomaMutDB: a database of somatic mutations in normal human tissues. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021
S Sun, RR White, KE Fischer, Z Zhang, SN Austad, J Vijg. Inducible aging in Hydra oligactis implicates sexual reproduction, loss of stem cells, and genome maintenance as major pathways. Geroscience 42 (4), 1119-1132, 2020.
K Brazhnik, S Sun, O Alani, M Kinkhabwala, AW Wolkoff, AY Maslov, et al. Single-cell analysis reveals different age-related somatic mutation profiles between stem and differentiated cells in human liver. Science Advances, 6 (5), eaax2659, 2020.
Database Resources of the BIG Data Center in 2018. Nucleic acids research 46 (D1), D14-D20, 2018
R Li, F Liang, M Li, D Zou, S Sun, Y Zhao, W Zhao, Y Bao, J Xiao, Z Zhang. MethBank 3.0: a database of DNA methylomes across a variety of species. Nucleic acids research 46 (D1), D288-D295, 2017
W Su, X Li, M Chen, W Dai, S Sun, S Wang, X Sheng, S Sun, C Gao, et al. Synonymous codon usage analysis of hand, foot and mouth disease viruses: A comparative study on coxsackievirus A6, A10, A16, and enterovirus 71 from 2008 to 2015. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 53, 212-217, 2017
BIG Data Center Members. The BIG Data Center: from deposition to integration to translation. Nucleic acids research 45 (D1), D18-D24, 2016
S Sun, J Xiao, H Zhang, Z Zhang. Pangenome Evidence for Higher Codon Usage Bias and Stronger Translational Selection in Core Genes of Escherichia coli. Frontiers in microbiology 7, 1180, 2016
G Wang, S Sun, Z Zhang. Randomness in Sequence Evolution Increases over Time. PloS one 11 (5), e0155935, 2016
D Zou, S Sun, R Li, J Liu, J Zhang, Z Zhang. MethBank: a database integrating next-generation sequencing single-base-resolution DNA methylation programming data. Nucleic acids research 43 (D1), D54-D58, 2014
W Wang, B Feng, J Xiao, Z Xia, X Zhou, P Li, W Zhang, Y Wang, BL Møller, et al. Cassava genome from a wild ancestor to cultivated varieties. Nature communications 5, ncomms6110, 2014
Y Zhao, J Wu, J Yang, S Sun, J Xiao, J Yu. PGAP: pan-genomes analysis pipeline. Bioinformatics 28 (3), 416-418, 2011